Utopia's Live-In Program a Great Success for Connecticut Families

Since our earliest beginnings, Utopia has recognized the importance of providing quality, compassionate care that’s there when you need it – 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Our “Continuous Care” live in program has evolved over the years to address the unique needs of each client’s specific situation and provide comprehensive care that has no schedule but yours…

Connecticut's live-in program has found renewed success in recently, providing care to dozens of families across the state. There are numerous advantages to having a live in, including access to around the clock care, cost effectiveness, and being able to age in the comfort of familiar surroundings.

Pictured at right are Ray Baldwin, Business Development Manager for Connecticut, and a live-in client. For more information or questions regarding services, please call Utopia's Connecticut Intake Department at (800) 227-3449.