Physical Therapists

Physical Therapists (PTs) are employed by our Medicare Certified branches in Connecticut. Physical Therapists have specialized training to assist clients with developmental or physical conditions that limit their mobility or range of motion. Treatment focuses on working towards regaining a normal level of movement for the client and preventing future loss of mobility.

Physical Therapists are state-licensed professionals and thoroughly screened prior to being hired by Utopia. Therapists assist in initial client evaluation for services, develop the plan of care, and providing skilled therapy services.

Typical Physical Therapist Tasks Include

  • Consulting with patient and nurse to assess physical condition and ailments
  • Diagnosing movement dysfunction and developing a corresponding treatment plan
  • Teaching patients therapeutic exercise techniques
  • Providing stimulation and massage to promote healing and alleviate pain
  • Assisting patients with the use of equipment including walkers, wheelchairs, and home devices
  • Working with physician and nurse to track progress
  • Advising patient on best in-home exercise and treatment options